Uncomment HTML[FreeCoderCamp]


Uncomment your h1, h2 and pelements.

Make your h1 element visible on your page by uncommenting it.
Make your h2 element visible on your page by uncommenting it.
Make your p element visible on your page by uncommenting it.
Be sure to delete all trailing comment tags, i.e.-->.
<h1>Hello World</h1>


<p>Hello Paragraph</p>

Comments are used for writing explanation/information of code. In HTML we start comment by  <!– and end the comment by –>. So to remove comment and make the h1, h2 and paragraph visible we just need to remove starting section of comment <!– and ending section of comment –> .

Headline with the h2 Element[FreeCoderCamp]


Add an h2 tag that says “CatPhotoApp” to create a second HTML elementbelow your “Hello World” h1 element.

Create an h2 element.
Make sure your h2 element has a closing tag.
Your h2 element should have the text “CatPhotoApp”.
Your h1 element should have the text “Hello World”.


<h1>Hello World</h1>
<h2> CatPhotoApp</h2>


As instructed in the given problem we have to add ‘CatPhotoApp’ inside ‘h2’ tag belove previous ‘h1’ tag. As you can see in the result the size of text from h1 tag is larger than the text from h2.

Say Hello to HTML Elements[FreeCoderCamp]


To pass the test on this challenge, change your h1 element’s text to say “Hello World” instead of “Hello”. Then click the “Run tests” button.


<h1> Hello World </h1>


A very Simple problem here, we need to replace a word ‘Hello’ with ‘Hello World’ inside of ‘h1’ tag. h1  is a tag in HTML, it is used for specifying Headlines. There are six heading tags h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6. The size of the heading decreases from h1 to h6.