How Many Boxes? [Edabit]

URL: Edabit

You work in a factory, and your job is to take items from a conveyor belt and pack them into boxes. Each box can hold a maximum of 10 kgs. Given an array containing the weight (in kg) of each item, how many boxes would you need to pack all of the items?


boxes([2, 1, 2, 5, 4, 3, 6, 1, 1, 9, 3, 2]) ➞ 5

// Box 1 = [2, 1, 2, 5] (10kg)
// Box 2 = [4, 3] (7kg)
// Box 3 = [6, 1, 1] (8kg)
// Box 4 = [9] (9kg)
// Box 5 = [3, 2] (5kg)


There will always be a minimum of 1 item to pack. All items will weigh less than or equal to 10 kgs, and need to be packed in the order that they arrive.

function boxes(weights) {
	let sol = 0, boxWt = 0;
	for(i = 0; i<weights.length; i++){
		if(boxWt <=10){
			boxWt += weights[i];
				boxWt = 0;
	return sol+1;