Start of ‘The Odin Project’ challenge.

Odin logo

I have been curious about web development from college days but the problem with my learning was lack of focus on one tech stack.

Initially, I started with PHP/MySql and became relatively good at it actually but then I switched to competitive programming and neglected the further study of web development. And the thing with programming is that if you stop practicing or coding in one language your grip on that particular language/framework becomes lose and after some time you have to start from point zero again. This is the way most new developers are and I was no different.

Later I started learning Ruby on Rails and it faced the same fate as of PHP/MySql. This time I left RoR for freecodecamp which mainly focuses on full stack JS development.

Again left freeodecamp and started preparing for government jobs but being a programmer(even if distracted one) I never felt at home while studying for those govt exams.

Now I want to follow one rule and want to see how far it takes me this time.

That rule is,


From today I will be following The Odin Project religiously and this time I will only stop after I finish it.

I will also complete my frontend developers certificate from freecodecamp in this period.

To avoid getting bored or burned out I will be using Pomodoro technique.

25 min study and 5 min rest.

I have been Bewafa coder so far but I want to change myself and become committed to the syllabus of TOP this time. No new shiny framework should distract me this time.

Time to become SAKTH CODER 😀

That’s it. Wish me luck.

Happy Coding.

Peace 🙂